
On the TIME project, Kaip participates in field work conducting seismic and geophysical research. 

Marianne Karplus' research focuses on structure and tectonics of the Earth's lithosphere using active- and passive-source seismic methods. Marianne has led two field teams for TIME in 2021-22 and 2022-23. She also contributes to the Science Coordination Office duties.

Kiya Riverman, a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Oregon studying glacial dynamics and ice-ocean interactions along the Antarctic Peninsula, is a research assistant for both the MELT and GHOST projects.

THOR blog - Cruise offshore of Thwaites Glacier

Seven researchers from the Thwaites Offshore Research team embark on a 53-day cruise in the Amundsen Sea to study the ocean off of the Thwaites Glacier.

Read about THOR's Cruise News.

Megan Spoth is a research assistant on the GHC project. Her research uses lake cores to map the climate patterns since the Last Ice Age to broaden the understanding of the climate systems on a global scale.

Scott Braddock is a research assistant on the GHC project. He studies glaciers in the Antarctic and Alaska. With the aid of ground-penetrating radar and other methods to collect data, we can better understand how glaciers are reacting to changes in the atmosphere and oceans.

John Woodward is a co-investigator on the GHC project. His research interests are in the field of glaciology, in particular polar glaciers, ice sheets and subglacial lakes.

Dylan Rood is a co-investigator on the GHC project. He is an international expert in the application of cosmogenic isotopes and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) to studies in the Earth sciences, specifically as applied to active tectonics, Earth surface processes, climate change, and earthquake hazards.

Brenda Hall is a co-investigator on the GHC project. Her primary research interests are in understanding the causes of ice ages and of rapid, millennial-scale climate changes.