
Ryan Venturelli is a professor and researcher at the Colorado School of Mines and principal investigator on the GHC project. She is measuring in situ cosmogenic 14C in sub-ice bedrock cores to determine if and when Thwaites Glacier was smaller than at present during the recent geologic past.

Keir Nichols is a Post Doctoral researcher on the GHC project, based at Imperial College London. He is measuring short- and long-lived cosmogenic nuclides in sub-Thwaites bedrock cores with the aim of working out if the glacier has been thinner in the recent, and more distant, past.

His research is focused on modelling and observing the flow of ice and water in ice sheets and glaciers. More details can be found on his website. His role on GHOST is to co-lead the collection and analysis of phase-sensitive radar data to better understand how Thwaites Glacier flows over its bed.

On International Women’s Day, 8 March 2021, we mark and celebrate the women working as part of the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration (ITGC).