Processed line aerogravity data over the Thwaites Glacier region (2018/19 season)

Aerogravity data has an important role to play in constraining sub-surface geology under grounded ice and bathymetry beneath floating ice shelves. This dataset contains aerogravity collected by the British Antarctic Survey as part of the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration (ITGC). Data were collected using both a traditional stabilised platform approach, and a more modern strapdown gravity system. Flights were flown at a constant altitude ~450 m above the ice surface where surface topography was flat. Gravity data is also recovered along draped sections by the strapdown system. In total 9872 km of data is presented, of this 6033 km was collected in the main survey area, while other data was collected on input and output transit flights. The aircraft used was the BAS twin otter VP-FBL equipped for aerogeophysical surveys. Data are available in ASCII file format (.xyz). Three databases are provided with aerogravity data: one with the Strapdown processing flow, a second with the LaCoste & Romberg processing flow, and a final simplified database with the optimal free air gravity anomalies from the strapdown system.
