ITGC hosts the annual Antarctica Festival, celebrating the 1 December 1959 signing of the Antarctic Treaty with a series of educational talks and activities for students of all ages. Join us this year for the event, which coincides with the first week of December.

2024 Antarctica Week Festival
Join us for this year’s Antarctica Week Festival celebrated December 2nd through December 6th 2024! In honor of this special week we have brought together some of our favorite Antarctic resources to share with you. There is a lot to do and see so move on over to that page right now to get started, and be sure to participate in our special activity telling us "What Antarctica means to you?" or "Why we should all care about Antarctica!". There is something for everyone in what we selected.

2023 Antarctica Week Festival
We are excited to offer ten opportunities to hear from 17 ITGC scientists for this year’s Antarctica Week Festival! Learn about what they do, how they are tackling our biggest science challenges, and loads more about Antarctic research on and off the ice. The sessions include questions submitted by students across the UK and US! Join us November 27 - December 1 for the engaging presentations for all age ranges.

2022 Antarctica Week Festival
28 November to 1 December - featuring four talks from Antarctic researchers
2021 Antarctica Month Festival
We celebrated Antarctica with a month-long event with online talks, activities, and materials about Antarctica.
2020 Antarctica Week Festival
Our first Antarctica Festival during covid gave us the opportunity to host ten webinars by our researchers from the US, UK, and some at McMurdo Station in Antarctica.
2019 Antarctica Week Festival
In 2019 we paired our researchers from the UK, US, and at all stages of their careers with schools across the continents to answer students questions about the Antarctic! Many of these talks were in person and held in classrooms while others were conducted remotely.
2018 Antarctica Week Festival
To begin our initial year of research, ITGC scheduled meetings online and in person at schools in the UK and the US to present why polar research matters and what it’s like living and working in Antarctica.